desc Walking in Fields of Grace: It’s A Girl Thing

Monday, March 06, 2006

It’s A Girl Thing

Sunday is usually family day for us. But yesterday was more like an all-girls Sunday. Dad had to leave after we finished buying some grocery stuff. They have this meeting with the other dads in our Church. So my mom, sis and I were left at our neighboring SM mall.

After checking-in the groceries at the package counter, I asked my sister to go to the appliance center and buy a new microphone while I get something at National Bookstore. Actually, it’s dad who wanted a new mic since my 2-year old nephew accidently broke the old one recently. Sis got a nice one, though quite pricy. Hmm… I think I should really save up to get a MagicSing. My dad would surely love that. :D

Next stop was at Watsons. Bought mom some make-up. I’m quite surprised my sister didn’t ask me to buy her some make-up, too. Hehehe… And since we’ve not yet tried watching at this SM cinema yet, we decided to give it a try. Sis was complaining that she’s already hungry so we bought food before proceeding at the cinema. I got her favorite Jollibee meal. Mom opted for a solo Greenwich pizza and macaroni salad. I tried their new Café Latte blizz with a pizzadilla. I also got myself some waffle and a tumbler of barbeque-flavored popcorn. I wasn’t that hungry huh? :P

Not much movie choices, though. I was eyeing to watch “Memoirs of a Geisha”, but I think mom wouldn’t appreciate that. Besides, my sis also wanted to watch a tagalog movie. So that’s 2 against 1. We ended up watching “Close to you”.

Well, it was ok. I find John Lloyd funny here. My sis and I had some good laughs especially everytime he teases Bea. My sis kept on asking me how Bea could seem to cry so easily, as if she never ran out of tears. I think she’s a good actress for her age. And of course, Sam’s smile was very noticeable (yeah, yeah…as my sis would say, he’s cute). I just noticed that he’s still smiling even when he’s singing. That’s probably for his toothpaste endorsement. (nice teeth!) :D

We were home before 8pm. After helping mom to fix the groceries, it was videoke session with my sis, just to try out the newly purchased microphone. She’s the one who chose the first CD. And I guess she sang half of the songs on it consecutively. Hey sis, would you mind passing me the mic even for just a minute? She just smiled at me and said that those songs were really for her. Okay, okay… I understand. I know it’s never easy to get over a break-up. (uh-oh…she’s gonna kill me for telling this.) But I’ve known her to be a strong woman. I’m just glad to see her moving on with life. So going back to our videoke session, I joined her even with the senti-“birit” songs even if I really couldn’t reach some high notes. Hehehe… It’s just my small way of helping her release her emotions. Well, I could see that she enjoyed it. Or maybe she just found me funny being the trying hard diva that I was at that moment. Hehehe…

And guess what my sis did after our videoke session. She watched the movie “Windstruck”. (*sighs*) Oh my…two love story movies in a day and she doesn’t seem to be affected. See, I told you she’s a strong woman. You go girl! :D

And by the way, I heard that this month is the International Women’s month. timely for this entry. So to all the Women in the world, cheers to you!!! (“,)


  • hi ate doths,

    nagugulat talaga ako pag binabasa ko yung blog entries mo... di ko alam yung kay ate elaine ah..tsk tsk.. di ko alam may bf na pala sya, tas nde na sila... paki sabi sa kanya,magparamdam naman sya..ehehe.. siguro after board, punta ako jan, or sa bday na lang ni ate elaine, kasi di pede sa bday mo eh (kasi board namin yun)..:)

    wala na akong ym, tinanggal na dito sa office..huhuhu :( kaya di na ko nakakabalita.. haaay..

    enewei, ganda nga ng close to you.. nakarelate nga ako eh..hehehe..

    sige, sana sooner or later magblog na rin ako..:D


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:11 AM  

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