desc Walking in Fields of Grace: A week's worth of entry

Friday, April 21, 2006

A week's worth of entry

I wasn't really expecting the week to be busy after a relaxing Holy week vacation. Not just with office work but with some other extra-curricular activities. Sounds like school huh? But yes, school is included somehow.

Basically, this is how my "work- slash- extra-curricular" week looked like:

Monday morning meeting for tasks delegation (Got out of the conference room confused rather than enlightened. I somehow felt like a ball on a juggler's hand. Just glad that I finally became sure of my assigned tasks before going home)

Preparation of test tools/environment (this somehow was the easiest part)

Long hours of testing activities (w/c is synonymous to reporting early for work, less snacks and restroom breaks)

A 4-hour English Proficiency Exam (I had a terrible headache after taking this exam. It somehow subsided when I received the results after an hour. whew! Thank Heavens I passed!)

First session of Music Workshop (So blessed to have a great teacher and cool classmates. I really enjoyed our first meeting. Looking forward to the coming sessions)

On the lighter side, here's what I have:

WWCF's Easter Cantata: "The Borrowed Tomb" (Watched it last night with Tines and Ron. It just gets better every year. I wasn't able to catch it last Sunday because we went to the province for our Family reunion. And because my hands are full almost the entire week, I'm only posting the reunion pics now. So here you go...)

Nike Sale (Not much choices for ladies. Good thing, I was still able to get myself a replacement for my nearly-wornout rubber shoes - 40% off. yey! Also found a nice dri-fit shirt at 20% off. Really suitable for badminton.)

Moved deadline (Thanks to Arlene for bringing this good news yesterday. yipee! That's basically the reason why I could blog right now. hehe... But I still wanted to finish as much as I can for the sake of a clear mind during the weekend.)

Get-together with some college friends tonight (At last, this will finally push through after several failed attemps of having a mini-reunion. hehe...)

And that summarizes my week in a single blog entry. Just glad to catch up before the week ends.(",)


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