desc Walking in Fields of Grace: free again! =)

Saturday, August 18, 2007

free again! =)

It felt so good to once again feel the warmth and comfort of my bed, realizing that I've overslept 'til 10 a.m. on a Saturday morning. Yes, after a couple of weekends spent in the office, I'm finally home on a Saturday! yey! yey! yey!

I'm supposed to have my checkup but the rainy weather made me decide to just do it next week. Besides, I have a lot of things in my checklist which I have to finish within the day. And all the while, I thought I won't be busy on a weekend, huh. But this is the kind of busyness that I like, so I'm not complaining. hehehe...

It's the Youth Retreat tomorrow until Monday - our first event for the preparation for the upcoming Global Gathering. I know I'm supposed to have a couple of weeks to prepare everything I needed but you see, my toxic sched for the past weeks would not permit me to take care of them earlier. So there, I spent the morning doing the registrations forms, creating the financial report which I will hand over to Kuya A, encoding the directory of participants, buying supplies for the registration committee and finally headed to church for the music ministry rehearsals.

It's quite a good thing that I'm not assigned to do the worship leading, not even to backup. Though I must admit, I miss singing for the Lord already. But my sorethroat won't really permit me.
hayyy... Anyway, at least I have enough time to prepare my lesson for Kid's Sunday School tomorrow. I'll make sure we'll all learn and have fun! :D

OT days are (hopefully) over! I'm back on my usual weekend sched. And I'm glad!

I'm very excited for the retreat, too! I'll keep you posted about it, hopefully with the pictures. :D



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