desc Walking in Fields of Grace: the voice that made my day! :D

Monday, September 17, 2007

the voice that made my day! :D

5:03 pm @ the office

Heard my cell phone ringing, and saw it's my sister calling. When I picked it up and said "hello", the voice on the other line said, "Hi ate! Mr. Christian Bautista wants to speak to you..."

I was like, What? Are you serious? but... ohhh... ahhmm... wait..! But before I could say another word, I heard a man's voice saying, "Hello, Dorothy!" At the back of my mind, I know it was him! But I just couldn't believe what I was hearing, I just can't believe it's really happening. I heard my mind telling me, "that's him! that's him! C'mon talk to him, Doths! Go!"

Obviously, I was totally shocked! It seems I couldn't utter anything...Oh no! I felt my heart was going to leap out of its proper place at any moment!

He continued, "So you are at work now?", I answered "Uhmm.. yes..." with a cracking voice (that's how nervous I was... yikes!) I heard him speak again, "Oh I see.. your sister said you're supposed to come with her here, at my interview." I was forcing myself to speak naturally this time and said smilingly, "Oh yeah! I was hoping to have a picture with you and also if you could sign my CDs... :)" He replied, "Oh sure! And I hope you could also come to my concert on October 6. I'll expect you there, ok?" Enthusiastically, I said, "Yes, I will definitely watch your concert! Thank you so much for calling, Christian! God bless you!" He answered back, "Thank you also Dorothy! Bye!"

When I hung up the phone, I still couldn't believe what had just happened. I had to wait for a few moments before it totally sink in. Did I just talk to my ultimate crush?! Oh, What a sweet, lovely day! woohoo! I just couldn't hide my gladness! God is really God! He knows exactly how to make me smile. :) I'm not sure though, how I sounded to him...hopefully not that rattled. hehehe...I wish my sister had let me known earlier that Christian would call so that I could have prepared a little better. I was really hoping to ask him to sing even just a few lines from his song. But then again I was in a state of shock that I didn't even thought about it at that moment. Talk about mental block. tsk, tsk...

I really hope we could talk longer. hehehe.. but I think that was already too much of me to ask.
I could really sense what a kind man he is, even through his voice. Hopefully, I could have a chance to see him soon and have our photo taken, and my CDs signed. :D Meantime, I am just sooooo happy with our little conversation. aaawww... I could still hear his voice echoing like the beautiful songs he sing... And yes, I just couldn't help smiling... *blush*blush*still blushing...* =P



Big thanks to my sis for the opportunity! You're simply the best! mwaaaah!
Sana lang next time in person na... hehehe... :D


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