desc Walking in Fields of Grace: Love Affair

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Love Affair

I've kept a copy of this movie (the 1994 remake) for the longest time now, but I only got a chance to see it a couple of days ago. It was a nice love story (just like the 1939 and 1957 versions) and I couldn't help but fall in love with the movie soundtrack as well, particularly the Kids singing "I will" (so cute!), the Piano Solo and of course, the end credits song - Love Affair :)

I'm still looking for the mp3 of that end credits song. Anyone willing to share? :D I'm thanking you in advance! :) Meantime, I'd like to share the lyrics here...

LOVE AFFAIR (by K.D. Lang)

skies without stars

all the nights without you

I watch the world

from a room without a view

for you left me

with so few memories

I could close my eyes

and cling to

just a fading photograph

I'd sometimes sink to

all those smiles unexplored

all the words left unsaid

we strung our dreams

on an all too slender thread

for you left me

with so few memories

I could close my eyes

and cling to just a half-remembered tune

I'd sometimes sing to

now I found what we lost

time was all all it cost

love's always there

knowing someday I would share

in a life-long love affair with you

love was always there

knowing someday I would share

in a life-long love affair with you

in a life-long love affair with you


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